In Project stories

m4h launches its activities as Implementation Consultant to support the Ukrainian Social Investment Fund (USIF) in its 7th phase of the Programme – focused on improvement of Primary Health Care in 5 oblasts in Eastern Ukraine.

With the support provided by the German Development Cooperation through KfW Development Bank, in this seventh phase the Fund finances the renovation, rehabilitation and equipment of 40 primary care facilities (‘Sub-Projects’), and provide capacity building for healthcare personnel (doctors, nurses, midwifes, healthcare managers) and community leaders.

The team of m4h and PP Logo, led by the Team Leader Pawel Neugebauer and based in former capital Kharkiv in the USIF’s Eastern Regional Office, has immediately started with the assessment of the selected primary care facilities, the evaluation of the first tenders for medical equipment (including Personal Protective Equipment in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic), and the development of the capacity building concept and programme. Partner Envidatec supports with energy efficiency audits of the selected facilities, to ensure adherence to environmental standards.

m4h engagement will run through May 2024, by which time all sub-projects will be fully constructed and equipped, and personnel trained.