Since April 2020, m4h team provides support services to DEG client companies for pandemic preparedness and prevention of COVID-19 at the workplace. m4h experts supported over 25 companies in 18 different countries in Asia, Africa and the Americas covering diverse industry sectors such as manufacturing, agriculture, financial services, retail food markets, remote constructions sites. m4h supports these companies in developing infection control procedures, implementing preventive actions plans and communicating & educating employees, customers and the public.
In addition, we were pleased to assist several companies, healthcare organisations and hospitals to better address COVID-related needs through the planning and construction of infectious disease departments and hospitals.
management4health is very proud to have received excellent feedback from DEG and clients about the collaboration and the quality of services provided:
“Dear m4h Team, we really have to give you a great applause! The conference call we just had with the client could not have been managed any better. We are still fascinated by the level of input and organization you have provided in little time. In this case your advice will have an impact on the entire country!
Thank you very much for your effort and support!
DEG Business Support Services”
As a result of the successful cooperation during the first phase of the project, DEG Bank has commissioned a second phase of the project.
In addition to the continued peer-to-peer counselling, the m4h team will issue a regular newsletter for DEG clients to keep them updated on new regulations, advances in knowledge and regulatory changes.