The Healthcare Delivery Optimization Plan for the Kyrgyz Republic 2020-2035 (the Master Plan) has entered in the concluding phases. In addition to the National Master Plan, the management4health team in collaboration with the national partner (Avanco Consulting) have developed nine plans covering each of the seven regions of the country and the two cities – Capital Bishkek and Osh.
On November 17, 2020, the joint m4h-Avanco team presented the Master Plan for Jalal-Abad Region, the third largest region of the country with a very fragmented and challenging geographic landscape. Jalal-Abad has the highest number of healthcare organizations in the country, with 39 such entities. It has been a real challenge for the Master Planning Team to analyse this complex system, with its human, infrastructure, technological and financial resources and introduce the rationalization and optimization measures for the next 15 years.
An estimated 44.8 million USD will be required to upgrade the infrastructure of the healthcare facilities in the region during the period 2020-35, with an additional 39.0 million required to modernize the medical equipment. Through the rationalization measures that are introduced in the Jalal-Abad region, the combined investment needs can be reduced by 18% to reach at 68.5 million USD down from a total of over 83.8 million. In order to create a modern infrastructure compatible with the requirement of a 21st century medicine, 65 million USD will be required to build new premises and develop the infrastructure of the optimized healthcare ecosystem.
The Regional Master Plans for Talas, Issyk-Kul, Chuy and Batken Regions have already been presented and discussed with the national and regional audiences.
The Master Planning Team has calculated that the Kyrgyz Healthcare System will need to invest over 230 million USD in modern medical equipment, over 195 million USD to repair the existing facilities, as well as 273 million USD to construct new premises until year 2035. The consultancy team has also elaborated a well-detailed financial mobilization plan (including the establishment of a Healthcare Development Fund) and an implementation roadmap.
Last, but not least, we have developed maps and management dashboards developed in cutting-edge technology to visualize the findings and assist the Kyrgyz stakeholders in their strategic and operational decision making. The maps and dashboards present the current status and desired future development of resources, as well as the Key Performance Indicators thoroughly discussed with the Kyrgyz health stakeholders.
The presentation of the Healthcare Delivery Optimization Plan for the Kyrgyz Republic 2020-35 is expected to take place in the first days of December in the presence of country’s healthcare authorities, development partners and other important stakeholders.