11/2017 – 04/2018
The Luxembourg Development Cooperation
Financing Institution
Lux-Development Project MSV/017
Consortium Partner
m4h Key Areas
Health Systems
Project Assignment
m4h was commissioned by Luxembourg Development (LuxDev) to carry out a mid-term evaluation for the KSV/017 Project. The KSV/017 mid-term evaluation took place over the course of four months (November-February 2018) with a mission conducted in Kosovo in January 2018. The mission’s main objective was to analyse the results and the specific objectives reached at the time of the evaluation, compared with what had been anticipated in the Project Document and the Project Inception Report. The mission was carried out by a Lead Evaluator and a National Health Sector Expert.
About KSV/017 Project
LuxDev has become one of the key players in the Kosovo health sector since the end of the war in 1999 and the progressive country stabilization process. Based on a Bilateral Cooperation Agreement between the Government of Kosovo and the Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, LuxDev is currently implementing the KSV/017 Health Support Programme in Kosovo with an aim to contribute to the improvement of quality health services through the implementation of a health sector reform agenda aiming at ensuring universal access while strengthening institutional steering mechanisms and capacities.
The framework of the KSV/017 Project builds on the approach of the previous project – to contribute to the quality of the health services to benefit the population of Kosovo. The Project activities address institutional, organisational, and human resources development in the Ministry of Health and other entities contributing to the implementation of the Health Sector Strategy 2014-2020. Most interventions are geared towards decision-makers and mid-level operational managers.
The Project focuses on supporting the implementation of the reform through the following three results:
- Result 1: The institutional and organisational capacities of the health actors in fulfilling their new roles and responsibilities are strengthened.
- Result 2: The performance and quality of health services in the public sector are improved.
- Result 3: Health Information System (HIS) scaled-up in the public sector and effectively used in the implementation of the Health Sector Strategy.
Results of the Mid-term Evaluation
The Evaluation Team concluded in the evaluation that the KSV/017 Project has been able to generate a high-level of support by all persons at beneficiary institutions, as well as with direct beneficiaries and HIS end users and is well accepted in the country and appreciated by the Project beneficiaries. The wish for a continuation of the Project and the input of their experts was voiced several times throughout the mid-term evaluation.
For Result 1, a few high priority recommendations were to establish a joint task force comprising the Ministry of Health and the Project; support developing capacities that will build synergy between the Ministry of Health M&E system and HIS; and assist the Ministry of Health in establishing a cadre of health data analysis and enhance support to the National Institute of Public Health in becoming a provider of key health data.
For Result 2, a few selected recommendations were to continue the support given to the National Family Medicine Residency Program, support the implementation of selected activities with hospital strategic plans, and continue supporting the establishment of the Doctors Chamber.
Lastly, the team recommended for Result 3 to continue to concentrate on the current maintenance and roll-out of the HIS as a comprehensive system, while establishing a system for aggregated data analysis, and intensive the current collaboration with the World Health Insurance Fund Project to achieve synergy effects, particularly around data sharing.
The Executive Summary of the Mid-Term Evaluation Report can be found in English and French on the LuxDev website.