07/2016 – 09/2018

Germany, Multi-Country


Financing Institution
German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development

Consortium Partner

m4h Key Areas
Health Information

Project Description

The overall objective of the project is to integrate Germany’s bilateral and multilateral Development Cooperation programmes on HIV into a comprehensive health system strengthening concept that will contribute to capacity building of partner structures and a sustainable reduction of HIV. In general, the consortium of m4h and Health Focus will identify, review and select strategies that have successfully integrated HIV programmes into a broader health system strengthening approach; document and distribute these selected ‘Good Practices’ through various media; i.e publications, internet platform and discussion fora.

Scope of Work

The project is divided into different task areas – For the program to Promote Innovation, Learning and Evidence in HIV and Health Programmes of German development Cooperation (PROFILE), the publication series German Health Practice Collection (GHPC), as well as the GHGP Internet Presence will be fostered and further supported. M4health has the lead responsibility of this component. Through the continuation of the GHPC approach and the development of GHPC Internet presence, an important contribution to the achievement of objectives will be established. This area of work lays mostly in the field of learning and innovation, but also targets policy makers (mainly through the identification and documentation of successful practices)

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