07/2015 – 10/2016
Financing Institution
Consortium Partner
m4h Key Areas
Health Information
Project Description:
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) assists the Government of Pakistan to strengthen the capacities of the health system to ensure effective, efficient, client-oriented, and affordable health care provision. The ongoing “Health Sector Support Programme (HSSP)” has been providing technical assistance and support in the areas of human resources for health, innovation in health financing and social health protection, strengthening of health services such as TB control and safe blood transfusion, and overall quality management.
The Muskoka-funded “Reproductive, Maternal and Newborn Health Project (RMNHP) focuses on women of reproductive age, children and adolescents. It assists the Department of Health, health offices as well as other partners at all layers of the health system to improve health service provision primarily in two districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. The project aims to increase access to skilled birth attendance and enhance quality of reproductive, maternal and newborn health services. Female healthcare providers will be trained and sensitized on reproductive health & rights and newly-wed counseling services. Awareness will be raised among the targeted population groups regarding safe childbirth contraceptives and family planning. The project will engage key decision makers from government and the community, especially parents, influential opinion makers and local religious scholars for broader ownership and effective implementation.
RHNHP contracted m4h to develop PR materials that reflect the project’s work, achievements and future plans, and are used to effectively communicate about its implementation and results.
Scope of work
m4h works in close consultation with GIZ RMNHP. Together with its team of editors, writers, designers and translators, m4h develops factsheets and articles based on background materials provided by GIZ. This includes drafting the products, evaluating whether the wording and styling needs to be adapted to meet the needs of the target audience, translating the English versions into German versions, reporting and proof-reading prior to any publication/sharing with third parties, and then designing the final layout.