Health Information Systems are central to achieving better health outcomes, greater transparency and accountability by increasing access to quality information.
m4h works in partnership with national partners to build capacity to generate, manage, and use health information at both national and decentralized levels.
m4h works with different countries at their specific levels in the following areas:
- Supporting the development and implementation of Health Management Information Systems at central (national), regional / provincial, local (district), facility, and service levels
- Promoting Electronic Patient Records (EPR) as key tool for data, information, and process management in clinical care and core element of a future electronic health record
- Fostering the integration of e-health solutions, e.g. e-learning, telemedicine, web based health information, Call/Recall Systems etc. into the health care system.
- Introducing systematic performance monitoring and evaluation of health services at facility, local, regional and national levels and analyse and evaluate achievements and trends
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