Alois G. SteidelBoard Member

Alois G. Steidel is the Founder, Owner, and CEO of K|M|S Sales and Services AG, Unterhaching (Munich). Before founding K|M|S, Mr Steidel has been involved in several companies working on innovative IT products and solutions including software for airlines, as well as clinical pathways for patient care. In the 1990s, Alois G. Steidel helped developing a case-based lump-sum fee system (precursor of the DRG System) for inpatient care of complex diseases in German hospitals and then became a co-developer for the German DRG System.

Alois G. Steidel and his team became one of the leading providers of knowledge management systems in the healthcare industry. With the innovative software solutions eisTIK.NET® and EYE ON HEALTH® K|M|S positioned itself as market leader for management information systems in the German health care / hospital market.

Investments in various organizations and his membership in several supervisory boards help strengthening his network and relevant partnerships. As a leading knowledge manager in the German health care market, K|M|S always wants to be “one step ahead” to offer to its customers and partners solutions that will help to better manage emerging problems and necessary changes in the market.