In General

Today marks the first day of the World Immunization Week (24-30 April) under the theme #VaccinesWorkforAll to promote the use of vaccines in protecting people of all ages against disease. The campaign launched by WHO focuses on how vaccination is one of the most successful and cost-effective preventive health interventions that we have to date in saving millions of lives every year.

In these times where we are battling a pandemic and trying hard to secure a vaccine that would instil some hope in resuming our normal daily routine, we must not forget to protect ourselves against diseases for which a vaccine is already available. We must also not forget that too many people still do not have access to vaccines. Together, we can ensure vaccines reach the people that need them most. Together, we are “protected.”

WHO calls on all its partners in International Health, to rally around greater engagement on immunization globally and on promoting the importance of vaccination in improving health and wellbeing of everyone, everywhere throughout life.

The priority messages for this year’s World Immunization Week focus on:

  1. Demonstrating the value of vaccines for the health of children, communities and the world. ‘Vaccines save and improve lives’.
  2. Showing how routine immunization is the foundation for strong, resilient health systems and universal health coverage.
  3. Highlighting the need to build on immunization progress while addressing gaps, including through increased investment in vaccines and immunization.